Zum ersten Mal in Österreich! Die US-amerikanische Sängerin, Grammy 2019 Nominierte & Performerin Snatam Kaur besucht Wien auf ihrer Europatour 2022. Den Termin 2020 mussten wir wegen Covid verschieben.
Snatam Kaur is an American singer, Grammy nominee & performer in 2019, peace activist and author raised in the Sikh and Kundalini Yoga tradition. She has an amazing ability to transform traditional Sikh chants of India into a contemporary sound that appeals to the modern ear and awakens an ancient yearning in the soul. Book your ticket and prepare yourself to immerse in the healing sounds of mantras. Sat Nam!
Snatam Kaur ist eine US-amerikanische Sängerin, Grammy-Nominierte und Performerin 2019, Friedensaktivistin, Autorin und Lehrerin, die in der Sikh- und Kundalini Yoga-Tradition unterrichtet. Ihre große Kunst ist es, traditionelle indische Gesänge in einen zeitgenössischen Klang zu verwandeln. Tauchen Sie ein in die heilenden Klänge von Mantras. Sat Nam!
Snatam Kaur & Band:
Snatam Kaur - Vocal, Harmonium
Grecco Buratto - Guitar
Ram Dass - Clarinet, Guitar, Vocals
Sukhmani Kaur - Tabla
︎ Please also read the following important infos and covid rules: The event can only be visited under all Covid19 protective measures valid on the day of the event. We will check these at the entrance and may refuse entry if necessary Please avoid any rubbish! We working with eco event standards and donate trees for climate justice. No alcohol or meat served. Please refrain from photos and videos. No liability is taken for wardrobe. For lost and found please contact the venue directly. Event subject to change.
Snatam Kaur
Vienna 2022
︎ 24.06.2022, 19:30
︎Halle E in MuseumsQuartier
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

︎ Mehr Infos unter FAQ oder auf www.snatamkaur.com