Each month, we transform this enchanting space into a sanctuary of relaxation. Surrounded by beautifully handcrafted furniture from India, we offer soothing live music and a selection of fine teas to awaken your senses. INFUSIONS is a celebration of music, comfort, and community—an opportunity to connect closely with the artists and fellow attendees. For this edition, we are thrilled to welcome:

► Katrin Spiegel & Elev (Katrin Spiegel & Pit Banzhaf)

We begins with an ambient DJ set, setting the tone for deep listening, while you can explore the evening’s tea selection. Following this, Katrin Spiegel—a vocalist, composer, and interdisciplinary artist—will take the audience on a journey with loop station and improvisation. Inspired by nature, her work weaves together ambient vocals, natural soundscapes and storytelling to create immersive musical experiences.

The evening continues with Elev, the artistic collaboration between Katrin Spiegel and Pit Banzhaf. Since 2016, the duo has explored sound through intuitive songwriting, atmospheric production, and electronic textures. Their music blends organic vocals with deep, emotional soundscapes, evolving with each project. Tracks like: Salt on Iron, Pulse, and Everywhere to Nowhere showcase their signature mix of spontaneity, depth, and sonic exploration.

Listen to their music on:
︎ youtube
︎ soundcloud

To close the concert, Katrin and Pit will invite the audience to engage and taste their upcoming Music Island Retreat (April 28–May 2, 2025, Hvar, Croatia). For more information visit: www.music-island.com

► 18:30 Doors Open
► Ambient DJ-Set
► Tea Tasting
► 20:00 Katrin Spiegel, Live
► Elev, Live
► Teaser: Music Island Retreat

This event is an invitation to pause, listen, and immerse yourself in a world of sound and tea.

More arists will be annouced soon! Save the dates: 20.03 and 26.04. The United Echo concert series is produced by the non-profit Rundum as a certified green event.


Cozy music & tea appreciations w/ Elev - Katrin Spiegel & Pit Banzhaf

︎︎︎ Tea Drinker 25 Euro
︎︎︎ Music Lover 15 Euro
︎︎︎ Celestial Contribution 35 Euro
︎︎︎ Freie Platzwahl
︎︎︎ Alle Gebühren und Steuern inkludiert

︎︎︎ Gratis Eintritt für Kinder bis 14 Jahre, Rollstuhl-Fahren & Kulturpass TrägerInnen.

︎ 20.02.2025, 18:30
︎ Möbeldepot 
         Karl-Tornay-Gasse 34, 1230 Wien
        (Öffis: U5 Siebenhierten)

︎ Please also read the following important info: Please avoid any rubbish! We are working with eco event standards. No alcohol or meat served. Please refrain from photos and videos. No liability is taken for the wardrobe. For lost and found please contact the venue directly. Event subject to change.

Es wird angestrebt, die Konzertreihe INFUSIONS nach den Kriterien des ︎︎︎Österreichischen Umweltzeichens für Green Events auszurichten. Alle wichtigen Infos dazu findest Du ︎︎︎HIER.